Thursday, July 3, 2008

Sybil -- Enlightened or Bitchy, or Both?

Well, my writing class ended and I’m quite glad. I met a few people I enjoyed there and did receive some great handouts, but the useless time sucking factor was major.

Here’s an email I sent to my posse of missing classmates on my last day of official attendance:

Dear Ditchers,

Tonight was TV sitcom night. You missed the reading of a 59-page (no, I'm not exaggerating) "Rosanne" script read by SpyBlond doing her best Rosanne impersonation.

One word: Excruciating. I got all itchy just sitting there.

Despite numerous attempt by the instructor to "please read faster," SpyBlond faithfully held to her perception of the role, complete with screechy and drawn-out Rosanne whine, steadfast was she in her acting moment.

Finally, even the instructor had to cut the impersonation short...and only 45 minutes into it. No idea now what happened in Act III.

So bored was I that I snapped the attached photo of what could be the most hideous pair of shoes ever to land on toes. View them with envy, fellow fashionistas.

5, 4, 3, 2, 1...Who knew they made platform suede lime green clogs?

So, that was my last class. I have handouts for all of you. Everyone looked at me oddly when I asked for 5. If anyone makes it to the last two classes (I believe one week will be on the one-hour drama and the other will be on marketing), please grab handouts for the rest.
And then we'll drink. :)

Alright, by posting my email publicly, as well as the accompanying photo taken on my under the desk with my cell phone, I’m sure I’m categorizing myself as a major b-word, but really, it was all in fun.
I almost got my ass kicked because I made fun of some girl's day-glow lime-green shoes at a Simple Minds concert in the 80s. You’d think I’d learn not to make fun of blond girls in green shoes.
But I cannot. Please blond girls everywhere: Stop the senseless donning of lime green shoes!!!

On that catty and contradictory note (I’m so Sybil sometimes!), I’m halfway through Eckhart Tolle’s A New Earth, which I love. The brain surgeon and I started listening to the audio version on our road trip and it makes so much sense to both of us.

Not that we could apply all that philosophical mizymaz to real life, but I’m trying. I’m also listening to certain parts over and over again in the hopes that Eckhart’s soothing voice will brainwash me.

I especially love what he says about parenthood. One line in particular was something like, “Just because you are bigger and temporarily know more than your child does not mean you are not his or her equal.” That is not an exact quote, but this thinking really aligns with some of what I’ve enjoyed about Scott Noelle’s Daily Groove (all parents should subscribe to this free email) and some of what resonates with me when I read about radical unschoolers (even though many of them are oddly rude, but that’s another topic).

There is a lack of respect and trust for children in our society that is pervasive and disheartening. It’s part of the overlying power-over mentality that seems to permeate everything. More and more, I believe massive changes happen first within the heart and then within the home. And they probably don't involve making fun of people's shoes.


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