Saturday, May 24, 2008

Anti-Spanking, Anti-Adoption, Anti-Agnostic?

See? This is the problem with perfectionism. When I became a few days behind on this blog – for numerous good reasons – I started to want to quit, even though I enjoy it. I was always like that with diaries, too. I’d have some grand plan – a page a day or more, every day. Then I’d miss some days and feel off track and then the thought of catching up seemed overwhelming. I think that’s likely why I have so many diaries with piles of blank pages left. I'm a starter, but not always a finisher.

There’s so much to catch up on. I’m not even sure I should start.

I’ve been having deep thoughts about adoption, because I’ve been very slowly reading this book. It’s riveting. I never really thought about adoption much before. Then, within a week, my good friend gave me the book and Tricia from the Friday homeschool park day showed me her blog, which let me know she’s anti-adoption. I never knew such a thing existed (and here I thought I was up on everything! Ha!). I mean, at first glance, who could doubt that it is a great thing to give an unwanted child a home?

Now, I’ve learned it’s not so simple. I’m not so pro-adoption anymore. I’m not totally anti-adoption. I do think there are times when it’s necessary. However, I have decided that closed adoptions laden with secrets and lies suck. Maybe I’ll write more on that later.

On the childcare front, I’ve been nanny-free for almost a full month (oh, wait! Maybe that’s why I’ve not been a bloggin!), and I have to say, I’m really enjoying my children. If only there wasn’t the stress of covering business calls during the week and the exhaustion of writing late in the night…I’d be in heaven. As it stands, I’m fairly tired, but my children are noticeably happier. Even though I only have a nanny 16 to 20 hours a week, it seems to make a difference to have one not at all. Interesting.

What I'd really like is a housekeeper for that many hours a week, who also could watch the kids whenever I needed to do a quick call. Maybe that's a better plan!

Another topic that keeps coming up with other moms is how “important it is to get away without the kids.” I disagree. I don’t find that important at all. Some parents do, and they should get away. I support that, too.

The homeschool group I was attending on Fridays split into two groups amidst a flurry of drama that I somehow got sucked into (partially from unintentionally – and stupidly – inserting myself into said drama). Some of the families seem GREAT. Some seem, well, not so great. Apparently I identify with the counterculture, “crazy” moms. I can dig it.

The writing class is in a sad state. With only three real classes left, the mean girls’ clique has dwindled down to, well, just girls. The comedian has been off being comedic for cash, the actor has been going to acting class and the engaged one has been off being engaging, I suppose. It is not so fun without them. Shannon and I still enjoy listening to 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 Wannabe-sexy Spy-blond, but it’s just NOT the same.

Sugar Ray played at the Grove today, but I forgot to go. It would have been fun to see those boys. They're from my 'hood. The band is one of my more amusing claim-to-fames.

I’ve been exploring religion or lack thereof through my interest in unschooling. I’ve been looking at Universalist Unitarian Homeschooling and then Radical Christian Unschooling, which led to the Unschooling God Journey, which is like unchurching. I was raised in rigid religious and academic environments (luckily my mom was more relaxed), and now I find all of this stuff very interesting.

I also got very into spanking over the last two weeks.

That sounds kinky, but it was actually far less exciting than that. I had a debate in both the parenting and religion context – the typical spare the rod crap. It drives me crazy, but that’s its own blog post. I do think it is what got me back into exploring religion more in depth.

Speaking of kinky: My neighbor is crazy. I think he is having sex with his dog. Eww.

I made a new deal with myself to go to sleep when my youngest wakes for her late night snack. Baby alarm!

Last but not least, was that not the BEST season finale EVER???? What do you mean, “which one?” Grey’s Anatomy, Dummy. That one. So good. It’s the only show I had time to watch this season (thank heavens for the DVR or I wouldn’t even have had that). I wish I could write like that!

Oh, and is Oprah gonna go vegan??? Oh happy day!


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