Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Date Night

I really have very little recollection of what happened today. I went into the office. I know that. Did I do anything useful? I’m pretty sure I didn’t. I did scramble to pull interviews together for the IVD Technology news story I’m writing about the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Servicescompetitive bidding demonstration project.

Maybe that’s all I did. I can’t be sure.

I do know that Carmen announced that her two weeks off in May for her trip to Mexico might really be three or four or even five or six.

K. Thanks for that.

Last time it was five months before she returned.

I will not panic. I will not panic. I will not panic.

I asked if her daughter-in-law would help (she has a baby BooBoo’s age and a daughter Miss M’s age), and she said, probably not, because she naps when her baby does, and then what would happen to my children?

Um, yah, that’s not an option.

The best part of today is that the brain surgeon and I actually had a date night. Whoa. It almost never happens and we ruined the last two almost-date-nights with miscommunications about time and misinterpretations about each other’s interest in each date. (FYI, that’s all code for “fighting.")

But last night was really nice. Our lovely 80-plus-year-old neighbor joined us for dinner at Trilussa Ristorante in Beverly Hills on Brighton Way. Yummy. I had a carb-fest, which is atypical for me. I ate lots of bread dipped in pesto plus an endive and radicchio salad followed by their incredible mushroom ravioli. Yes, I can put down the chow.

Or should I say, “ciao”? la la la la

My sister speaks Italian. Very cool. My sister-in-law pronounces it Eye-talian.

We also had a decent bottle of wine. I believe it was called Intensio.

How intense.

Then the brain surgeon and I went to a movie alone.

Oooooh. Ahhhhh.

We saw “Smart People,” which could have been titled, “Smart People, Slow Movie.” It was, in fact, quite slow. Not horribly bad or anything, but definitely sloooooooooooooow.

We popped in on "Forgetting Sarah Marshall" first, since we were early. I thought it would be stupid (okay, it is), but the 10 minutes we watched were definitely funny and we were both laughing out loud. This movie had one of the better marketing schemes I've seen, too.

I also got all excited during the previews about the release of the "Sex and the City" movie!!! Even if it’s bad and even if the trailer showed the whole damned thing, I don’t care. I need my Carrie fix.

Anyway, we got home after midnight. BooBoo needed to have her midnight snack (aka ME!) and that was that.


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