Wednesday, April 22, 2009

So the brain surgeon is on the interview trail and it's finally for a real job...the kind where he will finally get a living wage. Okay, it might be a tad more than a living wage. My friends ooh and ahh. People say, "Oh, you will be so happy" and "Everything will be great, soon" and things like that. That's nice and all, but money has never really been a major driver for me.

That sounds crazy, I know, but it's true. Everyone who knows me can attest to that (even though they seem to have a vision that more money will buy some new level of happiness). Still, I'm looking forward to losing my title as breadwinner, too. I'm kinda tired. Happy, but tired.

Money is nice. It really is. It reduces some worry, I suppose. But over my lifetime, I've been blessed to be on both ends of the financial spectrum -- and many places in between -- and I know that it's true that money doesn't buy happiness. The opposite is also true -- poverty doesn't necessarily make people unhappy.

I say blessed, because I have learned much from all of my financial experiences....

And if you look across your life, at all the people you know, you will see that there is no correlation between wealth and happiness. People with a lot of money can find just as many things to be miserable about as people who are poor. People with fewer financial resources, in fact, often seem to be better able to find happiness in challenging circumstances.

Just some thoughts.


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