Sunday, April 19, 2009


I used to be obsessed with schedules and planning. An organized and clean house was inordinately important to me. This is one area (of many) where kids (and FlyLady) have been very good for me. Schedules become unbalanced in a moment’s notice. The best-laid plans go to hell in an instant. Even though I’m an expert housecleaner, I’m so outnumbered that cleanliness only happens when everyone is out of the house, but then I’m out of the house, too.

And what’s the point of the house, then?

In all honesty, every single day of the weak, several major catastrophes happen, even when I’m organized and running ahead of schedule. Someone barfs or pours a blueberry smoothie over their head or spills it on the couch, or the dog dumps over the recycling bin, or BooBoo gets glue in her hair, or the L-man puts lotion in his eye or Miss M stubs her toe and if there’s none of that, there’s always time for an unexpected blowout Poop-o-rama.

It’s the glamorous life I’m living, and I'm loving it.


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