Monday, October 1, 2007

Working Mothers

Working mothers, I think, can be just as productive as other working men and women, but flex schedules help. For my situation, it works perfectly. I work off hours and can be available at weird times, which works for my clients -- many of whom are on the East Coast.

Women can add tremendous value to any business, but businesses need to think outside of the traditional 9-to-5 box. The fact that men can (or choose to) shirk more parenting responsibilities should be all the more reason to support flex schedules, telecommuting, etc.

With technology today, there isn't a lot of need to be in an office. Many of the people I work with (mostly men) work from a home office a significant portion of the time.

My friends and I joke, though, that not much has changed since the 50s, except that now women are expected to add paying work to the list! Men "help" more...They watch the delivery of their children (if they don't pass out first) and do an occasional dish.

Okay, that is so not true of my husband. He is pretty fabulous, but is a rare gem in the sea of husbands around here!

I suppose if your job involves physical labor, that is another story. If you are a secretary, I can see the problem if phones need answering and what not (though that can be accomplished remotely as well...I do it all the time) or with doctors (who truly can't just leave). But for most professional jobs that use common technology (phones, internet), that isn't an issue. For example, I know quite a few lawyers who work part time, on flex time, or telecommute the majority of the time.

The beauty of technology is that you don't always have to be there. Actually, I can think of some examples in medicine where this is true now, too.

I've seen studies that say multitasking is good, multitasking is bad, taking breaks is good, prolonged focus is good, but I think the jury is still out.

I do believe women being better at multitasking, but that it isn't necessarily a good thing. I guess I haven't seen anything conclusive either way. I have heard that creativity and efficiency increases when you have children, but if we do have increased neural connections, I assume they would function in a multitude of positive ways.

It is why women rock!

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