Monday, October 5, 2009

Rainbow Plates

Since I mentioned Rainbow Plates, I thought I should write a blog post about them. Rainbow Plates are something I invented when my 7-year-old was about two. I had heard the phrase “Eat the Rainbow” and I wanted an easy way to remember to make sure we did that every day. 

While I have now tried to move away from plastics (more on that later), my friend the Tupperware lady, turned me on to this nifty Serving Center Set. 

It has six sections – OH RAINBOW PLATE PERFECTION – plus a center thing for dips or whatever. One caveat: I’m not sure if Tupperware is all that safe. There are some strong arguments both ways.  I am keeping my eyes peeled for a surely safe and eco-friendly option, but for now, I don’t heat it and I’m not super paranoid about using it.

Anyway, each day (ha ha in my dreams…really about 4 days a week), I fill the tray with fruits and veggies from each color of the rainbow. For example, today we had RED strawberries, ORANGE satsumas, YELLOW bell peppers, GREEN romaine, BLUE blueberries and PURPLE grapes.  In the center, I’ll put some hummus, guacamole, salsa or other dip for the kidlets to dip lettuce leaves or whatever in. The rainbow tray I use has a cover that can go under it as well, so you can put ice under it or a cover over it and presto! 


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