Sunday, August 17, 2008

Boobs are multipurpose, and it's a beautiful thing!

I read this article the other day about women giving up on breastfeeding and it made me sad.

I have major issue when women decide not to breastfeed or give up due to some little thing. I try not to. Mostly I'm annoyed with the medical community and their casual attitude about it. Then I think about formula and the millions of people raised on it (myself included, for all but my first three months) and I think, well how bad can it be? People who resort to formula always say everyone turns out alright.

Of course, I do wonder, is everyone really alright? The formula generations are coincidentally coinciding with the obesity generations. That’s just one example, but numerous studies show the benefits of breastfeeding for everything from cancer risk to obesity to intelligence.

Still, I try to shut my mouth, because – for many people – being a mother is hard work. I find myself riding a hard line constantly between being supportive of the mother and advocating for the child.

For example, do I share my (likely unwanted) opinions and be one of those women who makes uncomfortable, judgmental comments that make other mothers feel bad? No. That doesn’t get anyone anywhere. Do I shut my mouth and control my lactivist urges? No. Then I’m not authentic.

Somehow, I try to find some middle ground. I try to support the woman and her baby. I try to be a positive example of breastfeeding and always offer to help.

And often I ask myself, why do I even care what other women feed their babies? The truth is, I have no idea why I care, but I do – even though I try not to.

But, Geeze, how weird is our society? People think it is just fine for children and adults to drink cow breastmilk (though baby cows don't even drink it as adults), yet they think it is weird to feed their own babies.

Strange, isn’t it?

Here is a beautiful breastfeeding video:

That video likely makes some people uncomfortable. Part of the problem is that many people cannot get the either-or mentality out of their minds. In other words, the breasts are sexual OR for feeding children and not both. But the truth is, they are sexual...and they are for feeding babies.

For more information,
Read this about the ingredients in formula.
Also, here’s a study on MSG in formula (which is a neurotoxin). Remember, there are many other names for MSG.

For breastfeeding entertainment, check out the comics by this great comic creator - who also happens to be a very cool homeschooling mom in Southern California.

Learn about breastfeeding. Encourage mothers. Support mothers. And if you have some weird issues with boobs, get therapy or do whatever you need to do to get over them. They are just boobs, after all.

Also, I'm not buying a stupid Hooter Hider until someone invents a Hairy Butt Crack Hider.

Did you seriously click on that link? If you did, well, you know. If you didn't...I really did find a hairy butt crack for you. Yummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmy.

Oh, and I love this t-shirt. Hilarious. Making milk is just one of my superpowers. The brain surgeon will attest to that.

Boobs are multipurpose, and it's a beautiful thing!


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